POPSUGAR Must Have Box (July edition)

by - 8/14/2016

I really really love the July Must Have Box from PopSugar...

Summer is not over, and there are amazing products that are essential and others that are just so fun. Inside the July POPSUGAR Must Have Box are both.
I love all of them, but one of my favorites and that I label as a essential is the Must Have Beauty “Sachajuan Hair in the Sun” to keep my hair color vibrant during long days in the sun with this UV-filter formula, which won’t wash out in the pool or ocean.
One of my other favorites is the Must Have Home “Sunnylife Inflatable Swan Drink Holder” this I label a fun product for summer, and because it’s a Swan! Obviously!
You can see all the products included in the July Must Have Box in my new Sunnylife Swan picture.
You can find all the info about the PopSugar’s Most Have Box Subscription Program on this link: http://bit.ly/2afYhD5 
#MustHaveBox #Sponsored #Ad

P.S. Use code SHOP5 to get a $5 off your first Must Have Box.
En Español:

Me encanta (I really really love) la Must Have Box de Julio de PopSugar...

El verano todavía no acaba, y hay productos grandiosos que son necesarios y otros que solo son divertidos. Dentro de la Must Have Box de POPSUGAR de Julio hay de los dos.
Me encantan todos, pero entre mis favoritos está este Must Have Beauty “Sachajuan Hair in the Sun” que sirve para mantener el color de mi cabello durante largos días en el sol con su formula de filtro UV, que no se quita con la alberca ni en el mar.
Otro de mis favoritos es el Must Have Home “Sunnylife Inflatable Swan Drink Holder” que es un producto que yo lo marcó como divertido para el verano, porque es un Cisne! obvio!
Pueden ver todos los productos incluidos en el Must Have Box de Julio en la foto del Sunnylife Swan.
Toda la info sobre el programa de suscripción de Must Have Box de PopSugar la pueden encontrar en este link: http://bit.ly/2afYhD5 
#MustHaveBox #Sponsored #Ad

P.S. Usen el código SHOP5 para tener un descuento de $5 en su primer Must Have Box.

Disclosure: I received a free sample of this product for testing purposes / Aviso: Recibí una muestra gratis de este producto para prueba

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