this black and white combo wearing a backpack / este combo blanco y negro usando una mochila
I really really love
this black and white combo wearing a backpack … I like that I can wear this
look for a casual day of adventure through San Diego or Tijuana; the tennis
shoes I’m wearing are so comfortable for it.
I really really love este combo blanco y
negro usando una mochila … me encanta que puedo usar este look para un día
casual de paseo por San Diego o Tijuana; estos tenis son lo más cómodo para
(Detalles del atuendo hasta abajo)

Outfit Details / Detalles del atuendo:
Tennis / Tenis – Kenneth Cole Reaction
Pants / Pantalones – New York &
Blouse / Blusa – New York & Company
Watch / Reloj – Michael Kors
Necklace / Collar – Topshop
Sunglasses /Lentes – Buffalo Exchange
Earrings/ Aretes – Sophie Harper
Lipstick / Labial – M.A.C. Cosmetics
Candy Yum Yum
Backpack / Mochila – Betsey Johnson
Photography / Fotografía : G. Muro
If you click on the images below you will
be directed right to the store of every product found on this post / Si le
dan click a las imágenes de abajo se irán directo a la tienda de cada producto
en este post.